“Racecrafts” discovered — a breathtaking design phenomenon
Incredible footage found revealing striking EXR racing vehicles — also known as “Racecrafts.” Plus NEW Whitelist Competition
Breaking: we have just received the latest intel from our EXR reporters as they continue their work researching the EXR races.
So far — Pilots (Augs, Mercs & Serfs) and Boosters have all been discovered in our pursuit for more details on the infamous Exiled Racers — we now have confirmation of what seems to be the final piece to the races — “Racecrafts.”
The footage — reveals the intricately designed Racecrafts used by Pilots in the races.
It also appears that these striking vehicles are in fact uniquely designed for each faction;
Merc Racecrafts
Aug Racecrafts
Serf Racecrafts
Racecraft Whitelist Comp — how to enter
- Quote Tweet our most recent Tweet — “Racecrafts” discovered — a breathtaking design spectacle. The final piece…”
- Tweet 1 image screenshot of your favorite EXR Racecraft — from the images above
- In a Tweet thread — following your announcement Quote Tweet — write what you like about the Racecraft you picked and what you think it’s best racing attribute — Speed, Handling, Acceleration or Strength — and why.
- Use the hashtag #RacecraftsWL
- Post a link to your Quote Tweet into the #WL-Competition Discord channel — in the Exiled Racer Server
- Example here (this is just an example— your entry needs to be unique and thoughtful/creative)
How are winners selected
- Our community mods will be selecting their favorite 10 Racecraft Tweets
- These 10 finalists will be picked based on the quality of their answer
- The community will then vote on 10 finalists in Discord
- At the end of the period the 5 most votes will win.
When will winners be announced
- 7 days from the announcement Tweet
- Winners will be announced in Discord
What if I already have a whitelist — can I enter and win?
- You can make a submission of course — and if you win — you will be awarded something secret
What are the EXR Whitelists?
- If you win a Whitelist spot — you will be eligible to gain access to the EXR mint (this is a Whitelist not a free mint) — mint coming soon.
Good luck — WAGMI