Racecraft Stats & Attributes Revealed
Everything you need to know about the EXR Racecraft attributes.
Following the most recent release of the Exiled Racers Racecrafts in Phase 3 of the EXR Mint (👉a few Mint Keys available on NFTrade), we now have the high level rundown of the Racecraft stats that will be used in the bonus racing manager.
Beside being Moonbeams first Bluechip NFT art collection — the EXR racing manager was always set up to be a bonus algorithmic fantasy sports game powered by the EXR NFT art itself. When working through how we wanted to model the bonus game, it came down to building a logical, common sense scoring system that prioritized simplicity, transparency and randomness over complex equations.
An algorithm based on real racing
Before we get going here — it would be amiss not to remind you that the EXR algorithms are being developed by our Co-Founder Sumz — the same giga brain that developed the FICO Credit score algorithm used by pretty much everyone in the United States.
Anyway — for Racecrafts, the characteristics chosen for the game were based on the most common attributes a racing vehicle may have. The EXR racing algorithm moves Racecrafts forward several times per second and the distance moved is determined by a combination of the Racecraft, Pilot and Booster attributes interacting with the track.
For the EXR Racecrafts we picked three attributes that are common in most racing games along with a deflationary attribute that makes the game more unpredictable as the race goes on.
Race tracks on EXR are all made up of straight segments and turn segments. The Racecraft Speed attribute determines the max distance a race craft will move in a straight track segment. This attribute depletes over time based on the ship’s strength and the final distance moved is always determined by the Pilot’s focus level.
While the speed attribute determines the max distance on a straight segment, the Racecraft Handling attribute controls the max distance traveled on a turn segment. Similar to the speed attribute, this attribute depletes over time based on the ship’s strength and the final distance moved is determined by the Pilot’s focus level.
Throughout different points on the track there are segments where the Racecraft needs to shift from a lower speed to a higher speed. This happens at the start of the race but also everytime a racecraft exits a turn segment and starts a straight segment of the track. Racecrafts in EXR, like in real life, move slower in turn segments than on straight segments leading to a natural shift in speed on the track. The acceleration attribute determines how fast a ship shifts from its starting or turn speed to its straight line speed. The higher your acceleration score, the faster your Racecraft can shift into a higher speed on the track.
Basing our game on real racing, a major factor of any race is the wear that a car or racer takes as the race goes on. In Formula 1, tires and other parts of the car will start to wear down and need to be replaced during pit stops otherwise impacting the racers ability to compete. While there are no current plans to have pit stops in EXR racing, we liked the idea of introducing a deflationary metric similar to the stamina attribute.
The Strength attribute is the Racecrafts depletionary attribute and impacts the racecrafts performance throughout the race. As the race goes on, the racecrafts max speed and handling will decrease based on the racecrafts Strength attribute. Higher levels of Strength mean that a racecraft will be able to hit its max Speed and Handling for longer in the race. A lower strength level means that a racecraft will start losing its overall performance earlier leaving it open to being passed later in the race.
EXR Faction Attribute Bonus
Building the racing algorithm with the factions in mind, the EXR Racecraft attributes were also selected based on how they connect with the different stories behind each of the game’s factions: Mercs, Augs and Serfs.
Mercenaries: Acceleration
The Mercs are blood thirsty guns for hire, dangerous, relentless and paid handsomely by the greed of galaxy super corps — hungry for their next battle and planetary take over. Due to being overly aggressive, Merc’s racecrafts allow them to Accelerate quickly to hit their top speeds and overtake others. This acceleration bonus allows Merc racecrafts to have the advantage over other racers on the shift points on the track, getting it to its max performance faster.
Augments: Handling
Ex-humans, casualties of war, critically injured and unable to work — now a marvel of modern biosynthetic engineering — powered by a lifetime of debt owed to the galactic tech super giant Harumi Corp who offered them a second “life.” The Aug Racecrafts, having the latest in connectivity and agility technologies, have better Handling than the other factions. Having a higher level of handling allows Aug racecrafts to hit higher speeds on turn segments of the track compared to other racecrafts.
Serfs: Strength
The Serfs are a low cost mining, demolition and transportation workforce — slaves to the galaxy mega corps, slaves to their own software, suddenly began to think for themselves after a system exploit. The Serf racecrafts, built to be working non-stop in the most extreme environments, have an advantage of higher Strength compared to other factions. More strength means that Serfs can hit their max speed and handling levels for longer in the race.
Along with these faction attribute bonuses, racers whose race stacks include Pilots and Racecrafts from the same faction may also get some additional benefits. More to come.
A fairer scoring system
The racecraft attributes are all scored between 0 and 100 with 100 being the highest score for an attribute. The scoring bounds of every racecraft falls into a tight window between 40 and 70 that is randomly assigned during the mint. These bounds were developed based on running sensitivity testing on each attribute over tens of thousands of test races to ensure that every racer always has a chance to win a race no matter how their stack ranks against other racers. We believe this leads to a fair and more importantly fun game that has probability baked in to ensure that underdogs can always have a chance to win.
Game Rarity
Some of you may have already noticed the “Game Ranking” or “Game Rarity” scores in the EXR Collection Viewer. These rankings are based on the total stats of a Racecraft compared to the entire collection. Total stats are exactly that, a sum of all of 4 of your Racecraft’s stats which are then rank ordered. Because the EXR Racing Manager was built so that no one characteristic is more important to the game than any of the others, this ranking allows you to see in aggregate where a Racecraft stands.
We’ll be releasing more details on how each attribute works into the algorithm as we get closer to the release of the EXR racing manager game. Stay tuned on our Twitter and Discord for the latest.
EXR team