LIVE: EXR Race Training Registration — Get Your Training Pass NFT Now (48Hrs Only)
The EXR Movement is coming. Register for training, get your training pass NFT & prepare for the upcoming training.
Harumi and the supercorps continue to destroy, mine and pillage planets across the galaxy, leaving countless factions in a state of war, destruction and turmoil.
We won’t let this go on — we will fight back, and it starts now…
⏰ For 48 hours only we have opened up registration for eventual access to early EXR race training. Registration is only open to our most passionate, patient and committed EXR members.
🏁 Only those who have full racing stacks (Pilot, Racecraft & Boosters) at the ready, will be able to register and get the EXR Training Pass.
(Get your racing stacks on Moonbeans or NFTrade if you dont have any)
🏆 This exclusive soulbound NFT pass will give our community members early access to the EXR race training concept — which will go live over the coming weeks. (Our EXR leadership team has already been battle testing the training program for a few weeks now.)
🔥 Once we open training up — we will race, we will battle, we will break things (for a short sharp period) — but will get back up and strive for the greater good. No great movement succeeds without great planning and testing.
— Get your EXR Training Pass here (
This is our chance, as a community art project, to ensure the success of the EXR bonus game, one which will roll out slowly in phases, and only when we are battle ready.
This is just the beginning of the movement.