Final WL Chance: Register for the EXR Mint Lottery & Bonus Free NFT Drop
In just 3 days: Our Whitelist Lottery registration will close, the public Exiled auction will end, and the wallet snapshot for our mysterious free bonus utility EXR Access Pass NFT will happen. DON’T MISS OUT.
🚨ACTION REQUIRED🚨 Register now for the EXR Whitelist Lottery at or click “Access Status” button to see if you’re already registered. WL Lottery closes *28th May at 2pm EST.*
Why? Being a WL lottery registrant gets you much more than a chance to win a WL. WL Lottery registrants who register before it closes will;
- Stand a chance to win a whitelist spot in our WL lottery
- Become eligible for the EXR Round 2 Public mint
- Be one of the snapshotted wallets for our mysterious free EXR Access Pass NFT
Once the WL lottery closes in 3 days — users will be able to check their WL lottery status on via the “Access Status” button. Full blog on mint details here.
🔈Now — a couple other important things to cover;
1. There’s a snapshot for the mysterious bonus free utility EXR Access Pass NFT — and you don’t want to miss this, seriously.
Once WL lottery registrations have closed — we will take a snapshot of all registered wallets, and these users will automatically become eligible for the mysterious bonus free EXR Access Pass NFT.
- We will likely airdrop snapshotted WL registrants users sometime after mint has happened (TBD) — this is a free NFT that will have utility in the EXR world — you don’t want to miss this one.
2. “The Exiled” Public Auction is Ending soon too.
In 3 days we will also close The Exiled public auction — the Candlestick mechanism will kick in 2 days — allowing 24 hours for the candlestick mechanism to kick in and select a winner.
- We have sold 1x Exiled for 7000 $GLMR during our private auction
- Our current bids for the remaining 2 x Exiled is ~10,000 $GLMR
- We will be giving a truly exciting bonus NFT to the auction winners as a thank you — minds will be blown.
4. The custom Moonbeans Pilot draw for auction bidders is coming soon…
The draw for those that bid in the auction will likely happen once the Public auction closes. More details to come.
5. The EXR mint is gamified to keep things exciting — it will happen in phases over the next few weeks — starting from the first mint key.
There are multiple phases to the EXR mint — its been gamified intentionally as we are giving genesis minters bonus NFTs throughout the journey.
Between each mint key burn phase for the EXR NFTs — there will be about a week or so. We will keep everyone informed on Discord/Twitter — as we always do — go with the flow WGMI.
Enjoy the ride — let the excitement begin. Here is our phased mint map again as a reminder — once we have got through the gamified mint, we will spend the next couple of weeks prepping for the bonus game leaks, teasers and launch sometime in Q3.
6. Prepare you $GLMR ❤
Do what needs to be done to get your GLMR :) — and remember there will be some very small gas/transaction fees for the mint — so keep that in mind. Again, read our Pre-Mint Medium post for more details.
Thanks for taking the journey with us so far.
EXR gang.