EXR Mint Phase 2 LIVE: Get Your Pilot NFT + Bonus Keys Now.
Pilot Key holders can now burn their Pilot Mint Keys in exchange for their Pilot NFT + 2 Bonus Keys. PLUS Bonus Twitter PFP change competition — must read.
Summary of what’s covered in this blog.
- EXR Gamified Mint Quick Recap
- NEW 🤯 EXR Collection Viewer & Rarity Tool (BETA)🔥
- Mint Phase 2 steps to burn and exchange
- BONUS Twitter PFP Change Competition (3 Mint Keys to be won)
1. Quick recap + Phase 2 of the EXR gamified mint begins…
As mentioned before — Exiled Racers is not your typical NFT art collection — it’s far from it. The EXR ecosystem comprises of 4 distinct NFT art collections that all work together — a first ever on Moonbeam: Mint Keys [ERC1155], Pilots [ERC721], Racecraft [ERC721] and Boosters [ERC1155]
All EXR Mint Key holders will eventually be able to burn their Keys in exchange for Pilots, Racecrafts, and Boosters. Below is our visual map of the different mint Phases as a reminder. Also, in order to play the eventual bonus EXR racing manager — you will need ALL these items to play.
IMPORTANT: The EXR Mint Keys corresponding to each phase below are required to be able to burn to exchange for the accompanying NFTs. For example if you want the Racecraft NFT item, you will need the Racecraft Mint Key from Phase 2. If you don’t have the mint key at the specific phase you won’t have anything to burn in exchange for the bonus item.
2. 🚨NEW🚨 EXR Collection Viewer & Rarity Tool (BETA)
This is where things get really exciting — its what we have been working tirelessly on —something that no other project has really done for an NFT Mint before with a team this size. We built;
— EXR Collection Viewer and Attribute visualizer + filters & sorts
— EXR Rarity Tool BETA Integration (details below) + filters & sorts
— Faction Rank filters & sorts
— Tier viewer with filters & sorts
— Lore by faction
— My EXR Collection vs All Collection
— Twitter integration for sharing
EXR Rarity Tool BETA — important notes.
- There are currently no rarity score tools available on Moonbeam, sadge — however, EXR being EXR, we built our own rarity tool, integrated into the EXR Collection Viewer.
- The EXR Rarity Tool is in BETA and should only be used as a guide while we develop it further for our community.
- For the first week, The EXR Rarity Tool will show rarity based on the entire 3,000 item collection. Following the first week, once enough Pilots have been claimed, the tool will be switched to show rarity based on the actual claimed Pilots in the collection to make it more relevant to whats “out there” vs everything including whats not been claimed.
- What we are saying is that as more and more NFTs are minted and revealed your rarity score may change (math tings)
- EXR rarity scores are also broken down into different components (Overall, Faction, Rank and Game). These different rarity scores (which you can filter by) allow you to understand how your items stack up in a variety of ways;
— The Overall rarity ranking is across the entire collection and includes all of the visual elements of your item.
— The Faction rarity ranking is your visual ranking within your particular faction (Mercs, Augs, Serfs).
— The Rank rarity is your visual ranking within your Faction’s Rank (General, Hauler, etc).
— The Game rarity ranking is based on how you stack up against other racers from your total stats. Each faction and certain ranks have a leg up on certain characteristics which will be revealed soon ;)
Important: your EXR Pilot attributes matter long term for the game! So going on directional art rarity alone may not be enough for you ;)
What are Pilot attributes and what do they do?
Remember how we said this is a gamified mint — well this is all part of it — relax, enjoy and go with the flow. You won’t know what these attributes do right now — that’s intentional. What we will say is that all Pilot NFTs have a performance range from 40–65 for each attribute, all being fairly tight and evenly distributed (with a little bonus for each faction on certain attributes — see if you can discover the faction bonuses using the EXR Collection Viewer tool ;) All this will make for a more strategic gaming experience — AND that’s also where your Boosters come into play later too ;) skill of attribute boosting is going to “fare thee well fine racer”. That’s all we can say…
Try the The EXR Collection Viewer & Rarity Tool (BETA) here
view.exiledracers.com — but mint first ;)
Here is a previous detailed blog of how the rarity of EXR NFTs works
3. Pilot Key Exchange Instructions + PLUS Bonus PFP Change Competition
- Go to — mint.exiledracers.com and connect and verify on the EXR command line
- Type “CLAIM ALL” or type just the number of Keys you’d like to burn to exchange for your items [example if you want 2 just type — “2”]
- Each Key you burn and exchange requires a Metamask confirmation (small amount of gas needed for transaction)
- Time limit? None, but the more Pilots that are minted the more accurate rarity scoring will be over time.
- To view your NFTs later, head to view.exiledracers.com — or head to Moonbeans our NFT Marketplace partner or NFTtrade.
4. BONUS PFP Change Competition (3 Mint Keys to be Won):
- Change your Twitter PFP to your Pilot,
- Quote Tweet our latest “Phase 2 Mint announcement Tweet” with a picture of your Pilot and
- Use the hashtag #EXRPilots and your faction #. Example: #EXRPilots #Serf (if you have a Serf ;)
- Tag 2 mates you want to race against
- 3 random winners will be selected (1 x per #faction) 1 week from now.
- Winners will get a Free Mint Key Airdropped to them.
Wen Racecraft, wen Boosters?
As mentioned before — the phases to the gamified EXR mint will happen over the next few weeks to give users the time they need to get their NFT Pilots and bonus items. We are excited to see what y’all get! After about a month or so of the gamified EXR mint experience, we will then be able to focus back on the bonus racing manager with a target to extend alpha access sometime late summer assuming all goes well. We will also now, for the first time in 9 months, begin funding the previously accumulated EXR expenses & sort out ongoing outgoings from the EXR wallet.
The EXR Team