EXR Community Whitelist Competition — 5 available
3 min readMar 14, 2022
Exclusive community focused mint key Whitelist competition kicks off today — 5 WL spots available to win.
Today, we’re excited to announce an exclusive EXR Whitelist Competition — just for our community.
How to enter the WL competition
- Quote Tweet our most recent Tweet “Announcement — community Whitelist competition — 5 mint keys available”
- Tweet 1 image screenshot of your favorite EXR pilot — from the images below (Serfs | Augs | Mercs)
- In a Tweet thread (3 Tweets max) — following your announcement Quote Tweet — write a personal story of the Pilot you’ve chosen
- Use the current lore available for Augs, Mercs & Serfs on our medium as a reference and make sure it aligns.
- Use the hashtag #EXRWhitelist
- Post a link to your Quote Tweet into the #WL-Competition Discord channel — in the Exiled Racer Server
- Example here: https://twitter.com/pixeltripp/status/1503573678419849218
- Also regardless — sign up for our whitelist lottery (as an additional chance to win a WL) on our website www.exiledracers.com
How are winners selected
- Our community mods will be selecting their favorite 10 Pilot stories
- These 10 finalists will be picked based on the quality of the Pilot’s story — and how relevant the story is to the lore released so far.
- The community will then vote on 10 finalists in the form of Likes and Retweets for each 10
- At the end of the period the 5 most voted for in terms of Likes and Retweets will win.
When will winners be announced
- 7 days from the announcement Tweet
- Winner’s will be announced in Discord and on Twitter.
What if I already have a whitelist — can I enter and win?
- You can make a submission for the community for banter — but this comp is for current non-whitelisters.
What are the EXR Whitelists?
- If you win a Whitelist spot— you will be eligible to gain access to the EXR mint (this is a Whitelist not a free mint) — mint coming soon.
Goodluck — we look forward to your stories!
The EXR team