Boosters Mint Phase 4 LIVE, Custom 1/1 Partner Boosters to be Won.

To celebrate EXR’s Booster Phase 4 Mint — we partnered with some of Dotsamas finest to design rare 1/1 custom Boosters.

Exiled Racers
6 min readAug 12, 2022


Mint your Boosters gas free — powered by Biconomy.

Phase 4 of the EXR gamified mint is now LIVE — so if you have a Booster Mint Key — you can burn it in exchange for your Booster NFTs — gas free thanks to Biconomy (1 Booster Mint Key = 2 x Boosters NFTs.)

Don’t have a Mint Key? Mint Keys (Pilot, Racecraft & Booster) are available on 👉 NFTrade.👈 Not sure what keys do? See below. Read the EXR NFT deep dive for more info on Boosters.

What do I get with the different EXR Mint Keys?

  • EXR Mint Key — Pilot= Pilot NFT + 1 x Racecraft Key + 1 Booster Key
  • EXR Mint Key — Racecraft = 1 Racecraft NFT
  • EXR Mint Key — Booster = 2 Booster NFTs → we are now here :)

👉 New to Exiled Racers? Heres 6 things you need to know about EXR.

NOTE: if you haven’t burnt your Pilot/Racecraft Mint Key yet OR you recently purchased one — you can still do that in the mint console, and once you have received your Racecraft/Booster Key from burning that Key, you’ll be able to burn and exchange for NFT items. Visual map of our mint experience below.

NOTE 2: You need all NFTs (1 Pilot, 1 Racecraft + 2 Boosters) to to play the unreleased EXR bonus game.

Rare 1/1 Custom Partner Boosters to be won. BONUS — winners will get 1 x Pilot Mint Key.

To celebrate the final stage of our gamified mint — We’ve partnered with some of Dotsama’s finest;

—Stellaswap, Talisman, Moonbeam, Moonbeans,
— Moonriver, Moonwell, Acala, Axelar, Zeitgeist

🔥 Rare 1 /1 Custom Partner Boosters Details 🔥

— 1/1 partner Boosters — can only be won — not minted
— Partner Boosters are the only Legendary tier items for Boosters
— There is only one custom 1/1 Booster per partner to be won
Winners will also receive 1 x Pilot Mint Key 👈😱🚨
— Competition will run for 2 weeks from today.
— Winners will be selected randomly as we’ve done previously for comps
— How do I win? Hint: over the next few days, make sure to check our Partners Twitter account — info will be shared there ;) But one entry per partner. No funny biz.

Exiled Racers Custom 1/1 Boosters

What are Boosters?

Unlike Pilot and Racecraft NFT’s (as mentioned previously), Boosters are ERC 1155 bonus inventory items (similar to our Mint Keys), this means that you might receive the same Booster as another user. There are 10 Booster items with varying attributes, factions, tiers and scores. So while some items may look similar, they will vary by faction, tier or attribute score attached to them. Overall there are 201 combinations of Boosters (some are for Pilots and some are for Racecrafts) including our unique 1/1 partner booster types. Details will all be available in the meta data.

Boosters come with stats that increase specific NFT attributes anywhere from 3 to 10 points. Boosters have a tiered ranking system. Boosters in the higher tiers (Tier 0) are assigned higher attribute point values with lower tiers (Tier 4) getting lower point values.

Boosters % chance to mint

Tier 0 — N/A (partner boosters can only be won)
Tier 1— 5%
Tier 2 —15%
Tier 3 — 35 %
Tier 4— 45%

Boosters will become important to the Bonus EXR Game, making for a more strategic experience that allow you to supplement and enhance your racing stack. So for example, if you were to get a Speed Booster, you will be able to use this NFT while racing to boost your Racecraft’s Speed. Similarly if you were to receive a Focus Booster, you could use this NFT to enhance your Pilot’s Focus ability in a race. We may test all kinds of things over time with these Boosters eg. potentially depleting with use or not — tbd unconfirmed. Its a bonus game, so we gonna have some fun.

Boosters, rankings and more.

As mentioned previously we built our own EXR Collection Viewer Tool.

Here’s a quick reminder on the tool;

  • For the first few weeks, The EXR Rank tool will be showing you rank based on the entire collection. Following the first few weeks, once enough Boosters have been claimed, the tool will be switched to show rank based on the actual claimed boosters in the collection.
  • So as more and more NFTs are minted and revealed your ranking score may change.
  • Our ranking scores are also broken down into different components (Overall, Faction, Tier and Game). These different rank scores allow you to understand how your items stack up in a variety of ways.
  • — The Overall ranking is across the entire collection and includes all of the visual elements of your item.
  • — The Faction ranking is your visual ranking within your particular faction (Mercs, Augs, Serfs).
  • — The Tier ranking is your visual ranking within your Faction’s Rank (General, Hauler, etc). For Boosters the Tier Ranking is across all factions.
  • — The Game ranking is based on how you stack up against other racers from your total stats. Each faction and certain ranks have a leg up on certain characteristics which will be revealed soon ;)

Booster Key Mint Exchange Instructions;

  1. Go to — and connect to Mooonbeam Network on Metamask — then verify on the EXR Mint Console command line.
  2. Follow the blue “User Action Required” instructions in the console to mint (make sure you’re in Phase 4 Booster claim to get your NFTs)
  3. Each key you burn and exchange requires a Metamask confirmation.
    Note: you will see a Biconomy transaction approval notification on Metamask, scroll down and click “Sign”, if the “Sign” is still disabled after scrolling down — click the arrow at the bottom (this is a MM UI bug)

LEDGER USERS BUG NOTE: If you’re using a ledger, clear your browser cache and refresh the mint site — when you get to the point where you have to enter the number of Booster mint keys you want to exchange, type 1 fast instead of 1, this will bypass the meta-tx and let you sign a regular TX with your ledger - only downside is you have to pay the $0.02 gas fee

Note: if you’d like to view your NFTs later, head to 👉 and click “My Collection” at the top to see your NFTs. Or use NFTrade

Wen bonus game. As mentioned before — a major part of the EXR experience is the unique gamified mint that we’ve been deeply focused on. Once this final phase is complete we will then be able to focus back on the bonus racing manager with a target to extend alpha access sometime in Q4.

The EXR team



Exiled Racers
Exiled Racers

Written by Exiled Racers

Experience the the first low-touch NFT fantasy racing manager & prediction game.

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