PinnedEXR Ghost Riders + LightLink Racing League Gaming Guide⚡️The Most Exciting Racing Experience in Web3—Now LiveDec 9Dec 9
PinnedYour Ultimate Guide to the Pink Racing LeagueGM, Racers! Here’s your full guide — everything you need to know about the Pink Racing League.Feb 72Feb 72
Pinned🚀 Introducing Havoc Racing — supercharging partnership opportunities, new user growth, and EXR…TLDR — Expanding on EXR Engage, we’re experimenting with a new and exciting racing game type called Havoc Racing (Beta) starting with the…Jan 193Jan 193
PinnedThe Art & Science of Sound: How we Engineered NEW “Out of this world” Immersive EXR Audio…Exiled Racers has always been about experimenting and building new, exciting experiences that feel truly unique to our brand. Since day 1 —…Nov 16, 20232Nov 16, 20232
Base Racing League: Prize Pools, Points Draws, Plunder & MoreBut first, register NOW HERE.Apr 23Apr 23
Base Racing League Guide: The First Hybrid Inter-Chain Racing Experience Powered by Base & AxelarTLDR: learn about Base Racing league, how to register, the tech, and the all new Axelar powered Base Racing League Pass and Inter-chain…Apr 171Apr 171
Exiled Racers: Factions, Stacks, Stats, Racing, Predictions & MoreYour Quick Guide to Exiled Racers (EXR)Feb 7Feb 7
🚀 Introducing EXR Engage: The First Racing, Prediction & Engagement Platform for Community Brands…At EXR we pride ourselves on how we blend innovative design with focused engagement to offer unique, sustained, and immersive experiences…Jan 4Jan 4
Milestones & Memories: A Journey Through 2023 Achievements.What a year… in this post we go through some key highlights of 2023, let’s just say it was busy.Dec 31, 20231Dec 31, 20231
Building Fair Play with API3: Transparent EXR Algo GamingThe road to provable fairness— powered by API3 & blockchain techAug 11, 2023Aug 11, 2023